Month: May 2021

Disney Movies

Cruella Movie Review

"How does the saying go? I am woman. Here me ROAR!" -Cruella  We had the chance to see an early screening of Disney's newest movie, "Cruella." To say this is the performance of a lifetime by Emma Stone, is an understatement. I was seriously in…

Disneyland Re-Opening

"To all who come to this happy place, WELCOME." -Walt Disney After waiting what seemed like an eternity, which was actually 13 months, we finally made it back to our home away from home...DISNEYLAND!! We have been so excited for the parks to re-open and…

Yosemite for Families

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." -John Muir We have always wanted to take our family to Yosemite, but wanted to wait until they were at an age where they were able to do walks/hikes without a stroller. The…