A Bedroom Fit For a Princess
“I am a princess, not because I have a prince, but because my father is King and He is God.”
We knew the day was coming that we would have to make the transition from diapers to underwear, from crib to toddler bed and from pacifier to none. We also knew most of these changes would be done before or on our daughters third birthday. Turns out the diapers went bye bye around age two and a few months, the rest we saved for her third birthday.
In order to make the change from baby room to big girl room we knew we would have to make quite a few adjustments. We kept prepping her that once she was a big girl, sleeping in a big bed, that meant no more pacifier. Because obviously big girls don’t use pacifier’s anymore. So the first thing we needed to do was chang her crib to a toddler bed.
She was pretty excited that she was able to crawl in all by herself and to my surprise we didn’t have any problems with her getting out a million times now that she had the freedom.
We also wanted another piece in her room that showed off her new sense of big girl style. I found this princess dress up rack from Teamson Kids and knew we had to have it for Rosie’s royal room. They were so kind to send it to me for my review and it comes as no surprise to me that it is absolutely perfect.
The assembly was super easy and my husband had it put together faster than I could fold the laundry!;) We hung up all her princess dresses, purses, crowns and were able to store a few jewelry boxes and other miscilaneous things on the bottom shelf.
Rosie loves being able to see and pick out a dress for the day as well as take a sneak peak in the mirror once she is all dressed and ready to go. I just adore this little dress up rack and am so glad it found its home with us.
We also made sure to get rid of the changing table, but kept the diaper caddy and now use it for other storage. I used an old oatmeal container and a candle stick and made a holder for some of her headbands. I also used a frame, put ribbon on some cardboard and clipped more of her bows to it.
In case anyone was wondering how we got her to give up her pacifier…after she got her big girl room she then mailed her pacifiers in the mail to her baby cousin that “really needed them.” Then the mailman brought a mailbox full of new dollies for her to have instead. It was a rough few nights (almost a week to be exact), but we made it through and we are officially pacifier free!
Thank you again to Teamson Kids for the Princess Dress Up rack, we all love it so much! They also have other adorable furniture for kids; kitchens, dollhouses, vanity sets and more. When did you make the change from crib to big kid bed? Have you ever had to take away a pacifier?

It looks so great, love that dress up rack!!
Isn’t that rack just adorable?!?
So sweet!! Definitely fit for a princess!! ?? I love the dress up closet and mirror! Need to get my kids one of those!
Isn’t it just so sweet? Maybe Santa can bring one for your girls!;)
Oh my gosh, great minds think alike, we had that same crib/toddler bed! And I almost bought Mini Fox that same dress up rack…so funny. Love that little thing you did with the fabric above her bed, so dang cute!
Well, I always knew you had great taste!;) And thank you so much, the hubs actually helped me with the fabric!