Author: Jenny

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Fashion Fun

"Never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day." If you follow me on Facebook, and if you don't, its never too late, I like to do a segment call "Fashion Fun Friday." I share different fashion finds, weather its a good deal,…
Favorite Products

Mom Life Must Have’s

"To be honest, I'm just winging it. Life, motherhood, my eye liner. Everything." -Unknown Becoming a mom you suddenly realize that your "before baby" regimen is completely unattainable and suddenly brushing your teeth, hair and throwing on your good sweats is the new norm. It's…

Dealing with Gestational Diabetes

"That which doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger." The Back Story... Being a dancer I think I have heard about every imaginable diet out there and even tried a few myself. The crazy cabbage diet, Atkins, juice/liquids only, chips and salsa (I kid you…

The Happiest Place on Earth

"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional." Walt Disney The Happiest Place on Earth, also known as Disneyland. The place where dreams come true and magic comes to life. The place your favorite characters live and play, where you can fight the dark…