Not So Picture Perfect
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt
You’ve seen it. The picture perfect social media types. Every picture you see they seem to have the best body, smile, the perfect lighting. Others seem to have the most amazing adventures, vacations, jobs, the perfect looking family where everyone is not only looking at the camera but they all look happy too. Let’s be honest, its hard not to compare your life to theirs, right? Well, stop it because I can prove that their life is not so picture perfect.
I’ll admit I usually only post pictures of me and the kids that I think are pretty decent, but every once in a while I like to get real. Most of my days are spent with no makeup, dirty hair in a pony tail (sometimes not even brushed) and sweats that occasionally resemble what I wore to bed. I am lucky if I get my teeth brushed and my eyebrows plucked so I’m not rockin a super cool unibrow.
Yup, just another typical day in the life as a mom (and yes that is a car on my face). As for the kids, most of the time I am taking pictures of the back of them as they are running away from me, or I’m purposely doing it so I am not showing a bumped head or stained shirt.
So on the days that I get to take a little extra time to get ready and the kids are looking pretty put together (and in a good mood) I take a picture or two, or a hundred. To prove to you how difficult it can be to create just one good picture it goes well beyond just getting ready and there is where the real story begins…
For our Christmas card this year I had the brilliant idea that our family should re-create a picture that my husband and I took before we were married. Our young, well rested, no obligation selves before marriage, mortgage and kids had decided to go to the beach dressed in shorts and scarfs (because we do live in sunny southern California) to build a sand snowman. We thought we were so cute and clever cheering our snowman mugs and laughing together as the timer on the camera clicked away.
Fast forward to this past year. Going in I knew we needed to have a plan to make sure things went as smoothly as possible. I was to play with the kids while my hubby went down to the sand to build the snowman. It was a pretty warm day (go figure) so by the time I got the text to meet down on the sand I could see the hubby was already sweating and the hard work hadn’t even begun yet. We got to work adding scarfs, hats and other accessories to ourselves and the snowman then we realized both kids had their own plan. The toddler had decided it would be fun to lay down in the sand face first and eat it. The 3 year old thought chasing the seagulls in the distance was a much better idea. It was honestly like a comedy show. Once we finally corralled the children back to our blanket we set the timer and started praying for a few good pictures. These are just a small sample of the outtakes…As if getting a good picture wasn’t hard enough, then we had to even worry about being photobombed!
And then we tried just the kids…
Laughing yet? I mean, I can’t make this stuff up! But…then our prayers were answered…out of tons of pictures we got just a couple of good ones…
People don’t always show their “outtakes” but I think it is really important to share that nothing is ever as perfect as it seems. This is real life; the good, the bad and the really funny. In times like these I think it is important to remember to laugh at life before life laughs at you. So stop comparing yourself…the grass is not always greener on the other side, in fact it may be hot and sandy. LOL!
I’m dying! This is hilarious.
This is hilarious! and so true. You can’t try too hard, just have fun with it & it looks like you totally made light of the experience. You have a beautiful family – posed or not, clean or dirty, laughing or crying – still beautiful. ,3
Thank you so much for reading and your sweet comments!! XOXO!
LOL. Love this and appreciate you being real. The outtakes are so cute!
Thanks for reading Chrystie! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment too! Working on my piece for your site now!!:-)
Love the outtakes – especially compared to the original picture! Isn’t it funny how little we understand how MUCH will change in our lives once the kiddos come along? That we won’t always get to take the time to take perfect pictures? Thanks for sharing such a sweet story!
So true! Our lives do change more than we could have ever imagined! But I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!!
“As for the kids, most of the time I am taking pictures of the back of them as they are running away from me, or I’m purposely doing it so I am not showing a bumped head or stained shirt.” Lol! So true! Love what you had to say 😉
Thank you for reading & commenting! Glad you enjoyed the read!
This is hysterical! Your beachside escapades sound all too familiar. Thank you for being honest and sharing the out-takes (isn’t it special how the out-takes often end up being the most memorable part of the experience?) Delightful read!
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts! It is so true, the out-takes have left us with quite a memorable experience!
Exactly you explain this so well and what a cute idea, sand snowman so cool!
Xo, Nicole
Thank you for stopping by and reading! XOXO!
This is fantastic! I laugh at myself when I try to d things “just so” now. Real life kids and time make things so so funny! Thanks for sharing your real world view!
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!
So true. So true.
Love the automobile attached to your head!
Isn’t the car awesome?!? Welcome to motherhood!:)
a great reminder… not only to avoid comparing, but to keep it real ourselves!!! xoxo
Glad you liked! XOXO!
Another fabulous post, Jenny!! Such a funny story!! Thanks for keeping it real!!! : ) Read a quote recently that said “Jealousy is when you count someone elses blessings instead of your own.” So true!!! Love you!! And by the way, you look amazing with out make-up and in sweats!!! : ) A beauty inside and out!! xoxo
Glad you liked today’s story! I thought most moms would be able to relate!! Love that quote and you are too nice…not sure about the whole no make up thing, but thank you! XOXO!