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Earthquake Preparedness

We have had two, very large earthquakes in Southern California lately and it has caused a lot of people to wonder if they are really ready for the next “Big One.” So I thought it might be wise to talk to my husband, a fire captain, trained in emergencies, to help us all prepare. I got quite a few questions on social media about what to do during and after and what should be in your emergency kit, so lets get started…

How you can prepare for the next big #earthquake and what you should do during & after. #emergecypreparedness #firewife Click To Tweet

1. Develop an Emergency Action Plan

  • Practice getting to the safest places to hide, you may have multiple plans depending on the size of your home (practice this at least twice a year!)
    • The top choice is to DROP to the floor, take COVER under a table, then HOLD on until the shaking stops.
    • This is DIFFERENT in every home! Our upstairs does not have any desks or tables and the beds are not tall enough to fit under. So, we have chosen a double, load-bearing doorway, away from windows or any falling objects. If we are downstairs we have a different meeting place.
    • Also, you can exit a building, if that is close, as long as you are not near any windows, trees or power lines. My husband reminded me that already being outside has the benefit of not worrying about how to get out of the house once debris has fallen (and possibly trapped you).
  • Have phone numbers to family members readily available
  • Establish an out-of-state contact for all family members to report to in case of an emergency
  • Realize that in the case of a huge earthquake first responders will not be able to respond as quickly to every 911 call. That is why you should have your disaster supply kit ready and stocked for up to 72 hours (see below list).
Earthquake Preparedness

2. Always Maintain Situational Awareness

  • Stay Calm
  • Know two ways out of every room
  • Be aware of the safest place to hide in public places (think open spaces or under cover, away from glass or falling debris).
  • Do not use elevators, even if they are working.
  • If you are driving while an earthquake hits, pull over, turn off your car, use the parking break and wait it out.
  • Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass and falling objects, which is why you should always be aware of your surroundings.
  • After a quake watch out for shifted items, check for any gas leaks or exposed wires and be prepared for aftershocks.
Earthquake Preparedness

3. Create a Disaster Supply Kit

Have enough food and drinkable water for every member of the family to survive for a minimum of three days (preferably two weeks).

Other items to consider:

  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Batteries/ Solar powered chargers
  • Portable generator (w/ additional fuel)
  • Prescriptions
  • Radio (for news updates)
  • Toiletries
  • Bedding
  • Clothing
  • Trash Bags
  • Can Opener/ Pocket knife
  • Matches/ Lighter
  • Candles
  • Diapers & Formula
  • Cash
Earthquake Preparedness

4. Know How to Get Important Information in a Time of Need

  • Subscribe to your city, county, and/or state’s Emergency Alerting System.  These mass notification systems provide important information quickly and efficiently through email, text or phone calls (i.e.: evacuation warnings, time-sensitive public announcements)
  • Examples: www.AlertOC.com, local TV stations

5. Become a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Member

Join your local CERT program to better learn how to help your neighborhoods following unexpected disasters.

Most CERT programs include the following classes:

  • Fire Suppression (using fire extinguishers)
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Understanding Fire Operations
  • CPR/ Basic First-Aid
  • Light Search and Rescue
  • Terrorism Awareness

Have you ever experienced an earthquake before? Does this information help you feel more prepared? Did we leave anything out? Here are more emergency tips for FIRE SAFETY!!

This article has 9 comments

  1. Shannan

    Great tips – so sorry you are having this happen in CA!

  2. Sarah Biagini

    Thank you so much for putting this together. I’ve been looking for a good list like this!

  3. Sarah

    I was just looking for a list like this!! Thank you Jenny!

  4. Charleen Mullin

    That was very helpful! Thank you!

  5. Thomas

    Great article PTM! These are always good reminders especially with all the shaking going in in Southern California. I love the second bullet…Maintain SITUATIONAL AWARENESS! This is so true for us to always remember as we “go through our daily lives”. Being aware of our surroundings should be routine but it’s often difficult with all of life’s distractions. Thanks for all the wonderful tips!

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