Disney Movies

The Stars of Maleficent Tell All

“A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told.”

I had the honor of being a part of the Maleficent; Mistress of Evil Press Junket just a few weeks ago and I haven’t really been able to talk about it, until now! I have been to a few press junkets now, you can read more about them HERE and HERE. But I have to say, this one surprised me a bit, not by what was said, but how the actors, specifically Angelina Jolie, were so emotionally attached to their characters.

The Stars of Maleficent Tell All

The brief premise of the first movie, in case you are not aware, we learn that Maleficent is not the “villain” like you are forced to believe in the cartoon of Sleeping Beauty. We find out that she is actually a victim to a cruel act of a greed and power. She then becomes a Godmother to Sleeping Beauty and is actually the one to break the spell of sleep by her true love.

So the second movie picks up right where we left off in the first one, except this time there is to be a wedding of Aurora. We see right away that this is going to be very difficult for Maleficent. I will give a full review soon, but for now, more on the stars of Maleficent tell all during the press junket…

The Stars of Maleficent Tell All

The commentator usually tries to open up the conversation with a light question, this time she asked each actor what they would want to take home with them from the movie. This was funny because each one had such a different answer as to what they would have chosen (some even joked they may have already taken an object home with them). Elle Fanning, who plays the the part of Aurora, said she would have kept the spinning wheel. Which, Angelina thought was very telling of her personal character. Fanning explained that it was just so “classic Sleeping Beauty.”

The Stars of Maleficent Tell All

Angelina was asked how her personal life of sending her first son off to college helped her in playing the role of “mother of the bride” in this film. She actually became very soft spoken and teary eyed when she spoke of her experience taking her son to school. She explained that the entire week leading up to the school departure she was taking him around town, buying school/dorm supplies, doing all the things you think you need to do to help prepare your child. Then at the airport the son asked if she would stay just a little longer with him, so they chatted and hung out for a while. When it was finally time to say goodbye and they hugged, she realized the entire week had not been for her son, but it had been for her. It was all to prepare her for this moment of letting go.

The Stars of Maleficent Tell All

Well, after that there wasn’t a dry eye in the audience. Even Michelle Pfifer was wiping away tears. So Angelina’s role as Maleficent, having to let Aurora go off into marriage and her role as mother, having to let her son go off to college, played a very close resemblance for the actress.

Angelina also spoke about the importance of family and how all families are so different and are made up of different cultures, colors, backgrounds, but even though we aren’t the same it doesn’t mean we can’t be part of the same family. Because diversity makes us stronger and coming together proves unity is possible amidst our differences.

The stars of @maleficent tell all at the press junket. Read more here! Click To Tweet

Changing topics, Michelle Pfifer, who plays the role of Aurora’s soon to be mother-in-law, explained that this is a very surprising “fairy tale.” The movie talks about good vs. evil BUT the twist is that we find out that we ALL have a little bit of everything in us. Would you agree?

The Stars of Maleficent Tell All

Elle Fanning was asked about her portrayal of Aurora and what she symbolizes. She replied saying Aurora is the good, kindness and the acceptance in the world, which is showed in the first film, but continues in the second film. Fanning says that she is also “that girl” who proves that you can still be feminine and soft, want to get married and have a family AND still be courageous and brave.

So, what do you think? What would you would pick to take home with you from the movie? I think I would have to choose some of the amazing costumes, they are just too good!;) Are you interested to see the film now?:) Watch the trailer below for more…



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