When Loud is Just Noise
“Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” -1 John 3:18
I am the youngest of four daughters and growing up in a household full of women I have learned some pretty invaluable lessons. 1) Don’t forget to wash a borrowed shirt before someone needs it back. 2) If there is only one piece of chocolate cake left, eat it, or you won’t get one. 3) If you bring a boy home make sure he is ready to be drilled by your mother and all her “mom helpers.” 4) You will forever have best friends through thick and thin. 5) You will learn a lot just from listening.
I listened a lot growing up. I listened to my parents. I listened to my sisters talk to each other, to friends, to boys, to me. I listened. I believe that God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we would listen twice as much as we speak. I believe listening is part of loving. If you love someone you will listen to their triumphs, their trials and tribulations. You will listen to the life changing news and the mundane ruts. You listen and encourage; you listen and love.
too much noise
Lately, I feel as though people have stopped listening and are just shouting. But it’s more like SHOUTING!! Do individuals really think that by shouting their opinions at someone they are going to persuade them to believe on way or another? Do they think the people on the corner shouting about how people having abortions are murders are actually going to help a poor girl in a bad situation? Do they think shouting about politics (one way or the other) is going to help someone understand why they support the decisions they made? Do they think debates on social media are actually going to do anything about the real problems we are facing? When loud is just noise we are no longer making an impact.
Encouragement to stop shouting on social media & be the change you want to see... Click To TweetIn my humble opinion, the answer is NO (yes, I may be shouting now)!;) I may not know all the answers, but I do know that everyone I have spoken to is so tired, no, not just tired, exhausted and fed up with the hatred they see online. It has gotten so bad people are “unfriending” because of monstrous, vicious attacks.
so what can we do to lower all the noise?
I have asked myself this over the past few weeks and here is what I believe…
Stop all the posts. I know you have freedom of speech, I get it, so do I, that’s why I am writing this now. But there is a difference between sharing knowledge and shouting frustrations. There is a difference between rising up, taking the higher road and stooping to their level. If feeling heated about a particular topic, stop before you post. Take some time to think about what you want to say, maybe even sleep on it. Then if you still feel like it is something worth sharing, find a way that would be beneficial for others to learn about that issue. Help others to understand your passion, in a non-abusive way. Try to be the person who you want to see in the world.
Stop talking and listen. If you are shouting at me that you will “unfriend” me because I voted a certain way, take a break. I think you need a time out. Instead of creating enemies in a time when our country needs more than ever to stand united, listen to something other than yourself talk. Listen to the sweet sounds of your children playing (ok, it may not be sweet, but pretend). Listen to a good song. Listen to an encouraging podcast. Listen to a sermon. Listen to a friend who needs a helping hand. Listen instead of speaking.
Above all Love. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud, it DOES NOT DISHONOR OTHERS, it is not self seeking. It is NOT EASILY ANGERED, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but REJOICES with the TRUTH. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. LOVE NEVER FAILS.” -1 Corinthians 13:4-8 What a wonderful visual, isn’t it? Let us not dishonor others, or be quick to anger, instead let us TRUST and HOPE that LOVE will NEVER FAIL. Can I get a hallelujah?;)
put it into action
Now here is the fun part, I want you to take a minute and think about how you can do something today to share some love. The other day the kids and I took some candy to the beach and we passed it around to anyone that wanted a piece. It was so fun to see the people around us light up when we told them we wanted to “share some joy today by giving away some extra sweets.” It was a super simple idea, but my kiddos were thrilled to share their candy with strangers and my mom heart was even happier to see that I was instilling generosity in them. What do you want to see in others? Whatever you want to see in others needs to start with us. In our homes. In our own hearts. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Ghandi
Challenge yourself to do something in love today for someone else, here is a fun way... Click To TweetNow please share this message and let’s go spread some love!<3
For more posts about motherhood and encouragement, go HERE. If you or someone you know needs immediate help, check out this website HERE.
You are my inspiration , I have few web logs and very sporadically run out from to brand.
I just read your post ….. and found all your suggestions to be “little pearls of wisdom”!
The world needs more wisdom….and candy on the beach!!! Thanks for sharing both!!
Thank you so much! I get my pearls of wisdom from a very wise mom!;)
Yes to this! Exactly what I have been thinking/feeling, but didn’t know how to say.
Thank you so much!
Beautifully said!!! I could not agree with you more!!! Love you. Jenny!!!
Thank you so very much! Love you too!!!
This is good Jenny! Wow, four girls omg how fun! Your littles are so sweet and what an awesome idea you had to have them spread a little love on the beach. ♥️
xo, Nicole
Thank you so much Nicole! Yup, four girls…you are almost there yourself!;)
Hallelujah! Beautiful post my Friend!! I think this is what so many people want to say but don’t know how! I’m with you????
Thank you so much! XOXO!!!
AMEN!!! (in a loving high five kind of talking!) 😉
Of course! Amen!!;)
Such a great post friend, I completely agree!
Thank you so much!!!