Finding Joy in Chaos
“So be truly glad. There is wonderful JOY ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.” -1 Peter 1:6
Denial. Disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Sadness. Concern. These are just some of the emotions I have been feeling over the last few days and yet…I still have hope. Does it worry me that people are dying? Absolutely. Am I worried how our economy will ever come back from a hit like this? Of course! Has my own family been affected by the circumstances of the world shutting down? YES! In fact, one family member lost 2 job interviews and is wondering how he will be able to provide for his family. Our kids are out of school for an unknown amount of time, while my husband’s job as a firefighter forces him into the public craziness leaving me to wonder if he will bring home this dangerous virus to us.

So how am I finding joy in chaos? I am able to find joy because my hope is in the Lord, not in this world. Just like when the world seems to be turned upside down after every public election. I am able to find peace because my leader is not the president, my ultimate leader is the King of Kings. When the world seems to literally be in UTTER PANIC I am reassured that my Heavenly Father knew this was coming and already knows the outcome.
Has it been easy to stay positive when the majority seems to be panicking? Definitely not. And there seems to be new rules every day, which makes it difficult to know if what we are doing is the correct action. I was recently chastised on social media from various people who did not believe I was taking the correct precautions with my own family.

Here’s the deal, I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL and I am also NOT A CDC EXPERT, which is why I DO NOT use my “platform” to tell people what they should and should not be doing in regards to this alarming pandemic. What I am is a wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. I am also a REAL PERSON with REAL FEELINGS that get hurt when people attack me when I feel like I am doing my best. We should all be doing our own part to get the FACTS and to live according to the laws that officials have outlined for our communities, which I believe I have up to this point.
So why am I being attacked? People are running SCARED and upset and they will take their frustration out on ANYONE they believe is not “doing their part.” The saying goes that “HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE.” But I had to make a decision to find joy in these difficult moments because I answer to a higher calling.

As I listened to an online service this weekend our pastor asked us a question; “where do you turn in times of crisis?” After carefully considering my own actions, I realized I hadn’t turned to the news, work or family, I had done something much worse…I had turned to social media. I was getting all of my updates on the Corona Virus from online “acquaintances” and resources. I had been praying, but was I really “running to God?” The answer was no.
So after quite a few hurtful messages I felt like God was saying “Jenny, it’s time to run to me, not to your inbox.” And I did just that. I turned off my messages and only started sharing what I thought to be helpful information to my audience. I am choosing to spend my time more focused on my family, especially since we are going to be together for the next few weeks. I am choosing to find JOY in all of it. In James 1:2 it calls us to “Count it all JOY when you meet trials of various kinds. For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”
So how can we realistically still find joy in these circumstances??
Everyday you wake, it is a BLESSING. Are you alive? Joy. Are your kids alive? Joy. Are your brothers and sisters alive? JOY! Is there rain watering the earth? Joy. Does the sun come out to put warmth on your skin? JOY! Can you hear the birds sing or see them fly? JOY. Do you have food to eat? JOY!! Can you laugh at a funny joke or something your kids did? DOUBLE JOY! Can you watch all the movies, read all the books or catch up on the house projects you’ve been wanting to do for years? JOY! Do you see where I am going here?

Every single thing we might normally take for granted is something we can find joy in right now. Is it hard? YES! Did you see yourself working from home or homeschooling your kids this year, NO, probably not! Did you want to cancel that vacation, party or even wedding? HECK NO! But guess what? You are not alone! We are all going through this together and, God willing, we will all make it out on the other side!
Just because someone chooses JOY in affliction does not mean they are aloof to the situations in the world. It simply means they made a difficult decision to find happiness in a time of pain or confusion.
So what will you choose? Where will you turn during this time or during any time of uncertainty? And can we all agree that a little extra kindness can go a long way?!?
“JOY is the settled assurance that GOD is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.” -Kay Warren
Just because someone chooses JOY in affliction does not mean they are aloof to the situations in the world. It simply means they made a difficult decision to find happiness in a time of pain or confusion. #chooseJOY Click To Tweet
Looking for more encouragement after trials and tribulations, try THIS ARTICLE. Or if you are looking for more inspiration, check out one of my favorite daily devotionals HERE.
Beautifully said! I’m so glad God is caring for your heart amidst people reacting to their fears! Love this post and love you!!!
Thank you so much! Love you too!
Thanks for sharing your heart Jenny! Your joy is an encouragement to me and I am thankful for you!!
Thank you so much Cindy! Miss you!